Not Fine - Donna Davis and her book journey

One of our authors, Donna Davis has just finished her book. There is nothing like getting your book in your hands after over two years of back breaking work.

These are her words on the eve of her book launch.

My journey as a book writer with “Not Fine”, has not been all sunshine and rainbows. There were plenty of tears and a couple of tantrums. But perhaps the most significant hurdle was the fear of judgment. Like a shadow hanging over my shoulder, it whispered doubts and insecurities, threatening to silence my voice. As I navigated the writing road of self-discovery, I found myself drawn towards the light: the pull of empathy.

From an early age, I had a deep passion for writing. But as I grew older so did my awareness of the world around me and with it the fear of how my words would be received. What if I got negative feedback? What if my words failed to resonate with others?

Amid my doubts and fears, I discovered the power of empathy. The ability to see the world through the eyes of another. To walk in their shoes and feel their joys and sorrows as if they were my own. I began to see writing as a means of connecting with others on a deeper level that could foster understanding and compassion in a world of division. I sought to touch the minds and hearts of those who read my book, offering a glimmer of hope in a world of uncertainty.

Of course, this journey hasn’t been without its challenges. There were times when the fear of judgment was overwhelming, but I reminded myself of the power of empathy. The knowledge that my words had the potential to touch hearts and change lives, but I would need the courage to share them. And so, I continued writing and along the way discovered my capacity for storytelling. For my ability to bridge the gap between strangers and forge connections that transcend the boundaries of time and space.

Today as I reflect on my writing journey I am filled with gratitude for the pull of empathy. It is a reminder that no matter how daunting the path may seem there is a light leading us forward. If only we have the courage to follow it.

For anyone thinking of writing a book, thinking of telling their story I only have this to say - just do it. It will be the best thing you will ever do and….it is so worth it!

xxx Donna


You can order Donna’s incredible book from her website here and if you are thinking of writing a book she will be the first to say - the sooner you get in touch the better!


How to write a book…and actually finish it!